Who is Eligible for Hospice Care?

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    Hospice care is the best option for people who have learned from their doctors that they are not expected to recover from their condition. Its main purpose is to ease the patient’s pain and help families prepare for the end of life, but it has many more benefits.

    People who opt for hospice care are expected to have less than 6 months to live. They’re often at home, where family members and professional caregivers look after them. But you could also choose a specialized center for hospice care or any other place you prefer.

    This type of care can involve not only doctors and nurses but also family members, clergy, counselors, or social workers who can address the grief of dying and emotions. It also helps you feel peace and alignment with your beliefs and faiths through the last moments of your life.

    People who may need for Hospice Care:

    • Patients diagnosed with a life-limiting illness.
    • Patients who no longer choose to undergo invasive treatment.
    • Patients who have chosen to focus on their quality of life.

    Hospice care is a special kind of care that focuses on the patient’s quality of life, providing compassionate care for people in the last phases of incurable diseases to live fully and comfortably. The hospice philosophy affirms life but does not try to hasten or postpone death. 

    Hospice care treats the person and the symptoms of their disease, rather than treating the disease itself, having a team of professionals working together to manage symptoms so that a person’s last days may be spent with dignity and quality of life.

    Hospice care is essentially family-centered and includes the patient and the family in making decisions. If you or someone you love needs Hospice Care in Los Angeles, we can help. Click here to get more information or contact us at 805-4960044.